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Using a different domain for each language in Laravel

I am building a website in Laravel and need to use a different domain for each language. Currently I'm using mcamara/laravel-localization for the localization. For example:

  • EN =>
  • NL =>

It seems like using different domains is not something that is supported by default. Has someone run into this issue and knows how to solve this?


  • Subdomains are supported by default.

    Route::domain('{locale}')->middleware('set-locale')->group(function () {
        // your routes here
    })->where('locale', '(my-english|my-dutch|my-spanish)');

    You use where to match the {locale} parameter to a regex pattern and then use a middleware to actually set the locale.

    Maybe you'd have something like this in the middleware

    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $locales = ['my-english' => 'en', 'my-spanish' => 'es', ...];
        return $next($request);

    I'm not sure if this was the correct syntax, but you get the idea.