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How to query a Postgresql DB for a fraction of rows fulfilling a criterion in a sliding time window?

This is a follow-up on my previous post How calculate the fraction of rows fulfilling a criterion

I have a time-stamped table of a kind:

timestamp: timestamp
field1: double
more fields

What I would like to achieve is a time stamped, rolling fraction of rows fulfilling a criterion in a certain time window. For example, the fraction of rows fulfilling "field1 > crit" in the last minute/5 hours/day.

I already found a way to calculate the average of field1 over a sliding window of rows:

SELECT timestamp, avg(a.field1)
   AS output_name
   FROM schema."table" a;

But I do not manage to extend this to what I need.


  • You're looking for the range window frame clause: demo

    SELECT timestamp, 
           count(*)filter(where a.field1>5)over w1
            / (count(*)over w1)::float AS "fraction of field1 > crit",
           avg(a.field1)over w1,
           min(a.field1)over w1,
           max(a.field1)over w1
    FROM schema1."table1" AS a
    WINDOW w1 AS (ORDER BY a.timestamp 
                  RANGE BETWEEN '1 hour' PRECEDING 
                            AND CURRENT ROW)
    LIMIT 10;
    timestamp field1 fraction of field1 > crit avg min max
    2024-02-29 02:52:29.352841 6 1 6 6 6
    2024-02-29 03:06:52.759728 2 0.5 4 2 6
    2024-02-29 03:10:21.047632 9 0.6666666666666666 5.666666666666667 2 9
    2024-02-29 03:37:06.321381 0 0.5 4.25 0 9
    2024-02-29 03:45:06.147972 10 0.6 5.4 0 10
    2024-02-29 03:48:36.642597 3 0.5 5 0 10
    2024-02-29 04:17:40.280552 8 0.5 5.25 0 10
    2024-02-29 04:19:19.055374 10 0.6 6.2 0 10
    2024-02-29 04:27:43.887064 1 0.5 5.333333333333333 0 10
    2024-02-29 04:54:47.489977 9 0.75 7 1 10