I have an interface IPeakCommunication
, and derived class PeakCommunication
. Inside derived class I have an implementation of method Send(RequestData request)
which do something, and as I expect invokes event RequestReceived
and passing there argument request
I would to create unit tests for some classes which interact with IPeakCommunication
, and call Send(RequestData request)
method. But I have no idea how to create a Mock which takes an object from arguments and use it for invoking RequestReceived
public interface IPeakCommunication : IDisposable
#region Delegates
delegate void PeakRequestReceivedHandler(RequestData data);
#region Events
event PeakRequestReceivedHandler? RequestReceived;
#region Methods
void Send(RequestData data);
The code which I tried to make:
var mockCommunication = new Mock<IPeakCommunication>();
mockCommunication.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<RequestData>()))
.Raises(x => x.RequestReceived += null, new object[] { /*argument from Send()?*/ } );
You can use Callback
var mockCommunication = new Mock<IPeakCommunication>();
// Setup with callback which uses Raise
mockCommunication.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<RequestData>()))
.Callback((RequestData rd) =>
mockCommunication.Raise(c => c.RequestReceived += null, rd));
// Act
var obj = mockCommunication.Object;
// sample subscriber:
obj.RequestReceived += rd => Console.WriteLine(rd.Data);
obj.Send(new RequestData { Data = 42 }); // Prints 42
// sample data object
public class RequestData
public int Data { get; set; }