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How to create an 'instance of' -like query in JPA 2.0?

Say we've got an abstract @Entity Animal, and several entity classes that extend Animal, including Dog, Cat, Monkey and Bat.

How can I filter the results based on the extending entity's class?

Example: There are checkboxes where the user can select which entities to retrieve.

[ ] Dog
[X] Cat
[X] Monkey
[ ] Bat

Now I want to retrieve the entities with a (Named)Query defined in the Animal class. What kind of query parameters can I put into the query so that only the Cat and Monkey objects will be returned?


  • I'm not absolutely sure it's supported by JPA, but the way to do it in Hibernate, regardless of the inheritance strategy, and thus even if you don't have a discriminator (or didn't map it as a property) is to use the implicit class property :

    String jpql = "select a from Animal a where a.class in (:classes)";
    Query q = em.createQuery(jpql).setParameter("classes", 
                                                Arrays.asList(Cat.class, Monkey.class));

    EDIT :

    I just found it's possible in JPA2 using the TYPE operator :

    String jpql = "SELECT a FROM Animal a WHERE TYPE(a) IN :classes";
    Query q = em.createQuery(jpql).setParameter("classes", 
                                                Arrays.asList(Cat.class, Monkey.class));