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Reset pagination on sorting - Mui-X DataGrid

I have a Material-UI DataGrid component, and I want it to reset pagination on sorting (see code below).

import * as React from 'react';
import { DataGrid } from '@mui/x-data-grid';

const Table: React.FC<Readonly<{}>> = () => {
  return (
        onSortModelChange={() => {
          // <------------------------ Here I want to reset pagination on sort

export default Table;


  • Solution (use the useGridApiRef)

    • Step 1: Import the useGridApiRef from @mui/x-data-grid
    • Step 2: Initialise the apiRef (by invoking the useGridApiRef function)
    • Step 3: Use the apiRef (in the DataGrid component)
    • Step 4: Define the restorePaginationState function.
      • apiRef.current.exportState(); will fetch the current state.
      • apiRef.current.restoreState(); will set the new state.
    • Step 5: Invoke the restorePaginationState function on onSortModelChange events.
    import * as React from 'react';
    import { DataGrid } from '@mui/x-data-grid';
    import { useGridApiRef } from '@mui/x-data-grid'; // <---------- Step 1
    const Table: React.FC<Readonly<{}>> = () => {
      const apiRef = useGridApiRef(); // <---------- Step 2
      const restorePaginationState = () => {  // <---------- Step 4
        const state = apiRef.current.exportState(); 
        const restoredState = {
          pagination: {
            paginationModel: {
              page: 0, // <-- Set the page to the first page
              pageSize: 5, // <-- Specify the pageSize based on the requirements of your grid.
      return (
            apiRef={apiRef}    // <---------- Step 3
            onSortModelChange={() => {
              restorePaginationState(); // <---------- Step 5
    export default Table;