I have this file named filename and the content is
export k="multiline_v"
for example
export k="kdk=dkdk
I want to use cut to get k and
my approach was this
cat filename | cut -d "=" -f 1
but it is treating it multiline and it returns
export aa
How should I do this? I prefer to be able to use the same command in both sh and bash.
My goal is to get export k
just from the first line - I just care about what exist in the first line
You haven't told us what OS you are using, but the GNU coreutils version of cut
, which should be the default cut
on most Linux systems, has a -
-z, --zero-terminated
line delimiter is NUL, not newline
So you can do:
terdon@oregano foo $ cut -z -d= -f 1 filename
export kterdon@oregano foo $
Note how my prompt appears right next to the output. That's because, since we're using -z
to slurp the whole file, there is no trailing newline. So you could do:
$ printf '%s\n' "$(cut -z -d= -f 1 filename)"
bash: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
export k
Now bash complains about the \0
, which is added by cut -z
. You can remove that too:
$ printf '%s\n' "$(cut -z -d= -f 1 filename | tr -d '\0')"
export k
Of course, if you know it's always on the first line, you could simply do:
$ head -n1 filename | cut -d= -f1
export k
Or, you could just use different tools:
GNU grep
$ grep -m1 -oP '^[^=]+' filename
export k
$ awk -F= '{print $1; exit}' filename
export k
sed (note that this one only works if the =
you want is on the first line)
$ sed -nE 's/([^=]*)=.*/\1/p;q' filename
export k
$ perl -lne 'do{print $1; exit} if /([^=]*)=/' filename
export k