Im starting to use liquibase for schema management and it works fine but I also have a need to tag certain tables, columns with some additional details so that it can be used by other schema tooling like phi etc. unable to find relevant resources in the liquibase docs
I have shared an example below:
- changeSet:
id: 123
author: itsme
- createTable:
tableName: clientdata
containsPhi: true
- column:
name: id
type: INT
primaryKey: true
nullable: false
- column:
name: firstname
phi: true
type: varchar(50)
primaryKey: true
nullable: false
In the above config, liquibase is okay with a 'createTable' having a 'containsPhi' node but its throwing error for 'phi: true' in the 'column' node.
liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNodeException: Unexpected node: phi
Is there any setting allow these unknown nodes? or any other recommendations. thanks in advance.
To answer your question: no, there are no settings to allow unknown nodes.
Liquibase has rather strict validation for databaseChangeLog files, so anything unexpected is treated as an error.
Even if some attribute passes initial validation, it will not be recognized and handled by Liquibase, which makes the addition pointless.
If you are referring to DB comment
feature, then you can use remarks
attributes in Liquibase changesets.
Docs for table remarks.
- changeSet:
id: setTableRemarks-example
author: liquibase-docs
- setTableRemarks:
catalogName: cat
remarks: A String
schemaName: public
tableName: person
Docs for column remarks.
- changeSet:
id: setColumnRemarks-example
author: liquibase-docs
- setColumnRemarks:
catalogName: department
columnName: id
remarks: A String
schemaName: public
tableName: person
columnDataType: int
Or if you are creating a new table, just add remarks
attribute to createTable
- changeSet:
id: 123
author: itsme
- createTable:
tableName: clientdata
remarks: phi
- column:
name: id
type: INT
remarks: phi
primaryKey: true
nullable: false
You may also use customChange to implement some custom logic.
Or you may use sql change to execute plain SQL queries.