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Azure DevOps yaml - Get current date with MMM (month short name)

I want to use a date variable/param in an Azure DevOps yaml for a pipeline and i am having difficulty in finding a way to get the month short name without reinventing the wheel.

I have found this question here: How can I get the current date in an Azure Pipeline YAML file to use ase a variable?

so i got the format and changed it to use "MMM" instead of "MM" like so

  currentDate: $[ format('{0:yyyy}.{0:MMM}.{0:dd}', pipeline.startTime) ]

but this is throwing an error when i execute it:

The format specifiers 'MMM' are not valid for objects of type 'DateTime'

My expectation would be to have the formatting be something like 25.Dec.2024 - just a display thing, i am using that date to pass on to an app execution as a string run argument, example:

  currentDate: $[ format('{0:yyyy}.{0:MM}.{0:dd}', pipeline.startTime) ]
  executionTitle: "My Test Execution $(currentDate)"


  • As you noticed, Azure DevOps does not allow you to provide such a format. It is possible to change the formatting by custom process, but this is a workaround. In the case of the given example, the pipeline becomes more complicated and also the formatting is platform-dependent (if you are not using cross-platform tools). Simpler version - works with Powershell tasks:

      - '*'
    pool: linux
      time: $[ format('{0:yyyy}-{0:MM}-{0:dd}', pipeline.startTime) ]
      pwsh_time: $(Get-Date -Date $(time) -Format yyyy.MMM.dd)
      - pwsh: echo $(var1)
      - bash: echo $(var1) //error: line 1: Get-Date: command not found

    This is modified version with output variables that solves above problem:

      - '*'
    pool: linux
      time: $[ format('{0:yyyy}-{0:MM}-{0:dd}', pipeline.startTime) ]
      pwsh_time: $(Get-Date -Date $(time) -Format yyyy.MMM.dd)
    - job: Prep
      - pwsh: |
         echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=out;isoutput=true]$(pwsh_time)"
        name: format_time
    - job: B
      dependsOn: Prep
        formated_time: $[ dependencies.Prep.outputs['format_time.out'] ]  
      - bash: |
         echo $(formated_time)