How do I aggregate an array of objects on an object property in order to turn:
[ { key: 'black', value: [ '2', '3', '9' ] },
{ key: 'black', value: [ '1' ] },
{ key: 'gold', value: [ '2', '3' ] },
{ key: 'gold', value: [ '1' ] },
{ key: 'red', value: [ '9' ] },
{ key: 'white', value: [ '2', '3' ] },
{ key: 'white', value: [ '1' ] } ]
[ { key: 'black', value: [ '1', '2', '3', '9' ] },
{ key: 'gold', value: [ '1', '2', '3' ] },
{ key: 'red', value: [ '9' ] },
{ key: 'white', value: [ '1', '2', '3' ] } ]
...with javascript?
I feel like there should be a fairly straightforward way to do this with lodash or Array.reduce, but I cant for the life of me work out how to do it.
const dedupe = a => [ Set(a)].sort()
const arr = [
{ key: 'black', value: ['2', '3', '9', '1'] },
{ key: 'black', value: ['1'] },
{ key: 'gold', value: ['2', '3'] },
{ key: 'gold', value: ['1'] },
{ key: 'red', value: ['9'] },
{ key: 'white', value: ['3', '2'] },
{ key: 'white', value: ['1'] }
dedupe( => item.key)) // get unique, sorted array of 'key's
.map(key =>
.filter(item => item.key == key) // process each key in turn
.reduce((a, c) => ({
value: dedupe([...c.value, ...a.value]) // aggregate and sort the 'value's for each 'key'