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Unable to import a .ftl file inside my .ftl file - freemarker

i am trying to templatise my java class using freemarker.

My config bean is :

  public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() {
    FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = new FreeMarkerConfigurer();
        String[] paths = Stream.of(
        .map(path -> path.replace("/", File.separator).replace("\\", File.separator))
    return configurer;

my template file Type.ftl :

<#import "/common/functions.ftl" as function>
<#assign className = "${data.className}">
<#assign typeName = "${function.camelToSnakeCase(data.className)}">
<#assign packagePath = structure.packagePathPrefix + "." + structure.module?replace("-", ".") + ".core.dao.udt">

package ${packagePath};

@NoArgsConstructor(force = true)
@Builder(toBuilder = true)
public class ${className} {

<#list data.columns as column>
  private ${column.dataType} ${};


My ftl file in resouces

it works if i refer my function.ftl from currect directory but fails when i refer it from the commons/functions.ftl. i have to use my common functions from /common/functions.ftl so that all templates can use the common functions. But my template gives the following error :

2024-02-27T14:44:54.793-06:00 ERROR 58803 --- [nio-8090-exec-1] freemarker.runtime                       : Error executing FreeMarker template

freemarker.core._MiscTemplateException: Template importing failed (for parameter value "/common/functions.ftl"):
Template not found for name "common/functions.ftl".
The name was interpreted by this TemplateLoader: MultiTemplateLoader(loader1 = org.springframework.ui.freemarker.SpringTemplateLoader@4f1fb188, loader2 = ClassTemplateLoader(resourceLoaderClass=org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer, basePackagePath="" /* relatively to resourceLoaderClass pkg */)).

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
    - Failed at: #import "/common/functions.ftl" as fu...  [in template "dao/udt/Type.ftl" at line 3, column 1]
    at freemarker.core.LibraryLoad.accept( ~[freemarker-2.3.32.jar:2.3.32]
    at freemarker.core.Environment.visit( ~[freemarker-2.3.32.jar:2.3.32]
    at freemarker.core.Environment.visit( ~[freemarker-2.3.32.jar:2.3.32]
    at freemarker.core.Environment.process( ~[freemarker-2.3.32.jar:2.3.32]
    at freemarker.template.Template.process( ~[freemarker-2.3.32.jar:2.3.32]
    at org.springframework.ui.freemarker.FreeMarkerTemplateUtils.processTemplateIntoString( ~[spring-context-support-6.1.3.jar:6.1.3]

i tried relative path like :

<#import "../../../common/functions.ftl" as function>

but u get error again :

2024-02-27T14:55:44.552-06:00 ERROR 60233 --- [nio-8090-exec-1] freemarker.runtime                       : Error executing FreeMarker template

freemarker.core._MiscTemplateException: Template importing failed (for parameter value "../../../common/functions.ftl"):
Template not found for name "dao/udt/../../../common/functions.ftl".
Reason given: Backing out from the root directory is not allowed.
The name was interpreted by this TemplateLoader: MultiTemplateLoader(loader1 = FileTemplateLoader(baseDir="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/templates", canonicalBasePath="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/templates/"), loader2 = FileTemplateLoader(baseDir="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/templates/dao", canonicalBasePath="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/templates/dao/"), loader3 = FileTemplateLoader(baseDir="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/templates/pom", canonicalBasePath="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/templates/pom/"), loader4 = FileTemplateLoader(baseDir="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/common", canonicalBasePath="/Users/rahulverma/git/by-rahul/one-click-code/template-services-code-core/target/classes/common/"), loader5 = ClassTemplateLoader(resourceLoaderClass=org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer, basePackagePath="" /* relatively to resourceLoaderClass pkg */)).

appreciate any thoughts on how to resolve this?

edit :

enter image description here i have this final multi module project(in cyan lines) in which i collect template path of each module as a bean(pink lines) and finally inject it in the configuration. (pink lines)

i am expecting the function.ftl template having functions/macro to import in EntityTemplate.ftl. (yellow lines) please note that the function.ftl is altogether in a different package than EntityTemplate.ftl. Is this functionality achievable in freeMarker that i can import common functions in my other modules ? if yes how can i achieve this ? i tries giving a template /common in the classpath so that template engine can search it but it could not and throw a template not found exception . any thoughts on how to achieve this ? currently i have to add functions.ftl to each directory as it is only able to discover the .ftl files locally. enter image description here


  • With "classpath:/templates", "classpath:/templates/dao/", "classpath:/templates/pom/", "classpath:/common/", you specify template root directories. That is all files inside "dao" will appear on the top level as far as FreeMarker templates see it.

    So you should simply have "classpath:/templates", and then put commons inside that. Of course you can place commons elsewhere too, but then you have to give its parent directory in the template loader path.

    Tip: You can use ${current_template_name} to understand what the current template name (path) is.