I am working on a model, where I need to define the cell of the pallet rack manually. Currently, I am using the function,
// Increment the coordinates
setRow = main.lastRow-1;}
if (main.lastRow >= main.numRows) {
main.lastRow = 0;
setPosition = main.lastPosition-1;}
if (main.lastPosition >= main.numPositions) {
main.lastPosition = 0;
setLevel = main.lastLevel-1;
if (main.lastLevel >= main.numLevels) {
main.lastLevel = 0;
} // Wrap around to the first row
String coordinates = setRow + "-" + setPosition + "-" + setLevel;
// Check if coordinates already exist
if (!main.assignedCoordinates.contains(coordinates)) {
// Add the coordinates to the set
These one has its disadvantages. So I am imagining of a way, if I can check the co-ordinates that I am generating in a pallet rack are empty or not in reality.
Suppose my row value is 2, position is 30, and level is 5. I want to cross check this position in my pallet rack, and if not empty i want iterate and choose a value that is empty.
How can I know if the row, position, and level value is already occupied or not?
Use the PalletRack.isFree(int row, int position, int level)
call on your pallet rack.
Always use code-complete or check the help to see what functions are available to you, for example for Pallet Racks: https://anylogic.help/api/com/anylogic/engine/markup/PalletRack.html