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The `specialize` tatic in Coq does not work well with typeclasses?

I have a simple question about using the specialize tactic in Coq for typeclass-based code. Specifically, I am using stdpp and I have a type lcmm_memory that is defined to be gmap nat lcmm_val.

Why doesn't the first way to instantiate the hypo H below work? Looks like the with (...:=...) syntax does not work well with typeclasses or am I missing something?

Definition comp (μ1 μ2 : lcmm_memory) :=
 μ1 ∪ μ2. 

Theorem foo : forall A (μ μ1 μ2 : lcmm_memory),
 (forall μ, A μ) -> A (μ1 ∪ μ2).
 intros ? ? ? ? H.

 (* "Cannot infer the implicit parameter
    Union of union whose type is 'Union lcmm_memory'
    (no type class instance found) in environment: [...]" *)
 Fail (specialize H with (μ:=μ1 ∪ μ2)).

 (* But this works? *)
 specialize (H (μ1 ∪ μ2)).

 (* This works fine (since no typeclass lookup really here): *)
 specialize H with (μ:=comp μ1 μ2).
 (* E.g. the remember tactic seems to work well with typeclasses: *)
 remember (μ1 ∪ μ2) as μtmp.
 specialize H with (μ:=μtmp).
 subst μtmp.
 (* etc. *)


  • Filed as a bug/feature request at, so marking this question as solved.