I want to create a resource block where my first resource is created based on each value in json. My second resource is dependent on the first resource id, so I am referring with count[index].id but the second resource block need to be looped as per the number of email values. Multiple Second resources will be created for one first resource value.
"name": "one",
"env": "dev",
"org": "IT",
"email": "one@gmail.com, two@gmail.com"
"name": "two",
"env": "stg",
"org": "HR",
"email": "three@gmail.com, four@gmail.com, five@gmail.com"
locals {
data = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/file.json"))
First resource will be created for each value in json
resource "aws_sagemaker_domain" "domain" {
count = length(local.data)
domain_name = local.data[count.index].name
Second resource has a reference to first resource and need to be looped for each email value. One aws_sagemaker_domain.dmain.id will have one or many aws_sagemaker_user_profile associated based on email value.
I know we cannot use for each and count together in a resource block, I have just shown to explain what I wanted to achieve. Any help is appreciated on how this can be written.
resource "aws_sagemaker_user_profile" "user_profile"
count = length(local.data)
domain_id = aws_sagemaker_domain.domain[count.index].id
for_each = split(",", local.data[count.index].email)
user_profile_name = each.value
error: the count and for_each meta-arguments are mutually-exclusive, only one should be used to ve explicit about the number of resources to be created.
You have to flatten you data
locals {
data_flat = merge([
for idx, domain in local.data: {
for email in split(",", domain.email):
"${domain.name}-${email}" => {
"index": idx
"name": domain.name
"env": domain.env
"org": domain.org
"email": email
]...) # do NOT remove the dots
resource "aws_sagemaker_user_profile" "user_profile"
for_each = local.data_flat
domain_id = aws_sagemaker_domain.domain[each.value.index].id
user_profile_name = each.value.email