In what follows, IEEE-754 Double-precision floating-point format is taken for granted to be used.
Python: "...almost all machines use IEEE 754 binary floating-point arithmetic, and almost all platforms map Python floats to IEEE 754 binary64 'double precision' values."
C++: associates double
with IEEE-754 double-precision.
Machine epsilon is s.t. fl(1+epsilon)>1.
Using double precision, formally epsilon = 2^-52, but mostly implemented (because of rounding-to-nearest) as epsilon = 2^-53.
In Python (Spyder), when I do:
i = 1.0 + 2**-53
>> 1.0
C++ version:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
double i = std::pow(2.0, -53);
double j = 1.0 + i;
std::cout << j;
return 0;
>> 1.0
Furthermore, when I do in Python:
i = 1.0 + 2**-52 + 2**-53
>> 1.0000000000000004
C++ version:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
double i = std::pow(2.0, -52);
double j = 1.0 + i;
double k = j + std::pow(2.0, -53);
std::cout << std::setprecision(17) << k;
return 0;
>> 1.0000000000000004
where the order of addition is from left to right so that the magic of the non-associativity does not come into play, i.e.
i = 1.0 + 2**-52 + 2**-53 <=> i = (1.0 + 2**-52) + 2**-53
The weird (to me) thing happens here. Firstly, 1 + 2**-52 is stored (in registers) as exactly the Double Precision format equivalent of 1 + 2*epsilon, i.e.
0 + 01111111111 + 000...01
Moreover, 2**-53 is stored as:
0 + 01111001010 + 000...00
If we write these in the form (mantissa)*(2**exponent)
, 1 + 2**-52
is (1.0000...01)*(2**0)
, and 2**-53
is (1.0000...00)*(2**-53)
, where the mantissa (1.xxxx...xx) length is 53 (including implicit 1 bit). A bitwise addition requires the same exponent, thus I shift the mantissa of the smaller one (i.e. 2**-53) so that it has exponent 0:
(1.0000...00)*(2**-53) -> (0.|52 zeros here|10000...00)*(2**0)
So that the addition is like:
1.0000...010 (51 zero digits after the radix, then a '1' and '0' making a total of 53 digits)
0.0000...001 (52 zero digits after the radix + '1' digit making a total of 53 digits)
1.0000...011 (53 digits after the radix)
Now, mantissa should be 53 in total, but it is 54 above, thus it should be rounded.
My question begins here: Is the reason why both of these programming languages give 1.0000000000000004
output when I do 1.0 + 2**-52 + 2**-53
because tie-to-even rule is implemented so that 1.0000...011
is rounded to 1.0000...10
, which is esentially 1.0000000000000004
up to 16 digits precision? or is it (completely) something else & I made a mistake in the calculations etc.?
Sorry if it seems as a bit of overkill or overthinking on a simple subject like this, however, it bothers me for days and I could not figure out the reason why or could not verify my thoughts. Any answer and comment is appreciated.
Yes, it's entirely about round-to-nearest/even. Python's float.hex()
can show you the bits directly:
>>> 1.0 + 2**-52 + 2**-53
>>> _.hex()
Although Python and C have little to do with this: it's almost certainly a result of how your CPU/FPU implement float addition (they almost certainly implement 754-style nearest/even rounding in hardware by default).
Note too that associativity doesn't matter in this specific example. 1.0 + 2**-52
and 2**-52 + 2**-53
are both exactly representable on their own.