Let's consider a dataframe with a column "before" as character format.
How to convert the limits of detection like e.g. "<0.5" to a number with four decimals "0.4999"and the limits of linearity like e.g. ">15.0" to "15.0001" while keeping string texts intact, e.g. "Value > limit"?
Note that my dataframe contains thousands of lines, including several dozen different detection limits, linearity limits, and string texts; therefore, a global formatting would therefore be preferable, without having to search for and type the different limits/strings one by one in the script to be executed.
dat0 <-
structure(list(before = c("6.1", "<0.5", "4.7", ">15.0", "Value > limit",
"8.0", "Result < cutoff", "6.5", "<50", "92", ">500", "480",
"Value > linearity"), after = c("6.1", "0.4999", "4.7", "15.0001",
"Value > limit", "8.0", "Result < cutoff", "6.5", "49.9999",
"92", "500.0001", "480", "Value > linearity")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
Thanks for help
It looks like we could use a case_when
applied to each column:
dat0 |>
mutate(across(before:after, ~case_when(
str_starts(.x, "<") ~ sprintf(parse_number(.x) - 0.0001, fmt = "%#.4f"),
str_starts(.x, ">") ~ sprintf(parse_number(.x) + 0.0001, fmt = "%#.4f"),
.default = .x)))
before after
1 6.1 6.1
2 0.4999 0.4999
3 4.7 4.7
4 15.0001 15.0001
5 Value > limit Value > limit
6 8.0 8.0
7 Result < cutoff Result < cutoff
8 6.5 6.5
9 49.9999 49.9999
10 92 92
11 500.0001 500.0001
12 480 480
13 Value > linearity Value > linearity