The documentation for the std::allocator<T>::allocate
member function says in ([allocator.members]) that:
Remarks: The storage for the array is obtained by calling
::operator new
([new.delete]), but it is unspecified when or how often this function is called. This function starts the lifetime of the array object, but not that of any of the array elements.
I wonder why it says ::operator new
and not just operator new
? Does the double colon make any difference? Which other operator new
could be called here, if that double colon was omitted?
Prior to LWG2818, [contents]p3 read:
Whenever a name
defined in the standard library is mentioned, the namex
is assumed to be fully qualified as::std::x
, unless explicitly described otherwise. For example, if the Effects: element for library functionF
is described as calling library functionG
, the function::std::G
is meant.
So writing operator new
in the specification would mean ::std::operator new
, which wouldn't make sense. ::operator new
correctly refers to operator new
in the global namespace.
In an implementation of the standard library, there would be no difference between writing operator new
and ::operator new
since std::allocator<T>
wouldn't define a member operator new
and ADL has no effect since there is only one namespace a free operator new
could be defined in.