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Is it possible to stack objects in an object diagram with PUML?

Is it possible to stack multiple objects in a PUML object diagram? Or give them a kind of "shadow"?

I want to achieve a visual effect like so:

    |            |
  +------------+ |
  |            | |
+------------+ | |
|            | | |
| Some text  | |-+
|    here    | |
|            |-+
|            |

or a bit denser:

|            |||
| Some Text  |||
|    here    ||+
|            |+


  • I think this is not possible, but you can use "collections" as the object type with additional shadow.

    The code

    skinparam shadowing true
    object firstObject
    collections collection [
      This is a **long** description
      with a bullet list
      * foo
      * bar

    will create

    enter image description here

    or try it online here: