I have a list of parameters and for each parameter a request is sent to the server. The number of parameters may vary, so requests are sent in a loop. The question is, how can I send requests for all parameters, wait for a response from all requests and continue executing the program. To do this you need to use RxJS.
private getValuesForEditTariff(parameter: Parameter) {
if (parameter.dependParams != null && parameter.dependParams.length > 0) {
let pars: Parameter[] = new Array<Parameter>();
this.actionEditTariff.groups.forEach(group => {
pars = pars.concat(group.parameters);
let locator = (p: Parameter, id: number) => p.id == id;
let service = this.actionService;
let action = this.actionEditTariff;
parameter.dependParams.forEach(parameter => {
let par = pars.find(p => locator(p, parameter));
if (par) {
par.loading = true;
service.getValues(parameter, pars,action.action, action.actionScheme).subscribe({
next: (data) => {
par.values = data;
par.loading = false;
console.log("Значения получены");
error: (error)=> {
this.message = error.error.message || error.statusText;
par.loading = false;
I tried to use concatMap, but i dont fugire out how its works
You can use forkJoin to wait for all the responses like this
private getValuesForEditTariff(parameter: Parameter) {
if (parameter.dependParams != null && parameter.dependParams.length > 0) {
let pars: Parameter[] = new Array<Parameter>();
this.actionEditTariff.groups.forEach(group => {
pars = pars.concat(group.parameters);
const locator = (p: Parameter, id: number) => p.id == id;
const service = this.actionService;
const action = this.actionEditTariff;
const parameters$ = parameter.dependParams.reduce((parameters, parameter) => {
const par = pars.find(p => locator(p, parameter));
if (par) {
par.loading = true;
service.getValues(parameter, pars, action.action, action.actionScheme).pipe(
tap(() => {
par.values = data;
par.loading = false;
console.log('Значения получены');
catchError(() => {
this.message = error.error.message || error.statusText;
par.loading = false;
return of(null);
return parameters;
}, []);