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Is there a way to create an Half Doughnut Chart with circle in ECharts?

I would like to create a chart like this in ECharts:

enter image description here

Is there a way? Anyone have any other ideas?

I tried using option itemStyle.borderRadius an example from the ECharts page, but it was not the result I expected.



  • Here are two offical examples which come close to what you want:

    1. Example: using a pie series, but i dont think its possible to make the border round and overlapping if that is a requirement

    2. Example: using a gauge series, should fit your needs if adjusted a little (set startAngle / endAngle and remove labels)

    Here is the gauge example adjusted to reflect more closely what is shown in your image:

    const gaugeData = [
        value: 80,
        name: 'Good',
        itemStyle: {color: 'lightblue'},
        title: {
          offsetCenter: ['-40%', '0%']
        detail: {
          offsetCenter: ['-40%', '15%']
        value: 99,
        name: 'Better',
        itemStyle: {color: 'green'},
        title: {
          offsetCenter: ['0%', '0%']
        detail: {
          offsetCenter: ['0%', '15%']
        value: 50,
        name: 'Perfect',
        itemStyle: {color: 'purple'},
        title: {
          offsetCenter: ['40%', '0%']
        detail: {
          offsetCenter: ['40%', '15%']
    option = {
      series: [
          type: 'gauge',
          startAngle: 180,
          endAngle: 360,
          progress: {
            show: true,
            overlap: true,
            roundCap: true,
            width: 80,
          pointer: {
            show: false
          data: gaugeData,
          axisLine: {show: false},
          axisLabel: {show: false},
          axisTick: {show: false},
          splitLine: {show: false},