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Postgresql: resolve a one-to-many relationship and delete given tuples, all in one query

I have a table as such:

CREATE TABLE users (id, ...)
CREATE TABLE groups (id, ...)
CREATE TABLE group_roles (group_id REFERENCES, role, ...)
CREATE TABLE user_memberships (
  user_id REFERENCES,
  group_role_id REFERENCES,

I have a bunch of (user_id, group_id) tuples that I need to pass into Postgres, through an ORM (Sequelize), and then I need postgres to delete the user_memberships rows that correspond to the (user_id, group_id) pairs I passed in. I'd also like all of this to happen in one query.

I'd like to write the following code:

DELETE FROM user_memberships
     user_id = :user_id_n
     AND group_role_id IN (
       SELECT id FROM group_roles WHERE group_id = :group_id_n

where :user_id_n and :group_id_n would be the nth elements of an array of (user_id, group_id) tuples. But this is not valid pgpsql. What would valid pgpsql look like?


  • Your table definitions are a bit off but there is nothing about the delete on its own that won't work:

    CREATE TABLE users (id int primary key);
    CREATE TABLE "groups" (id int primary key);
    CREATE TABLE pages (id int primary key);
    CREATE TABLE group_roles (
      id int PRIMARY KEY,
      group_id int REFERENCES "groups"(id));
    CREATE TABLE user_memberships (
      user_id int REFERENCES users(id),
      group_role_id int REFERENCES group_roles(id)
    insert into users values (1),(2);
    insert into "groups" values (1),(2);
    insert into group_roles values (1,1),(2,2);
    insert into user_memberships values (1,1),(2,2);

    That DELETE is perfectly valid, pretty much exactly how you typed it: demo at db<>fiddle

    DELETE FROM user_memberships
    WHERE user_id = 1
    AND group_role_id IN 
      (    SELECT id 
           FROM group_roles 
           WHERE group_id = 1 );

    It can work fine with the whole array in it, too:

    DELETE FROM user_memberships
    USING generate_series(1,array_length(ARRAY[[1,1],[2,2]],1))as a(n)
    WHERE user_id = (ARRAY[[1,1],[2,2]])[n][1]
    AND group_role_id IN 
      (    SELECT id 
           FROM group_roles 
           WHERE group_id = (ARRAY[[1,1],[2,2]])[n][2] )