I have a Web Application with J2EE and Spring, related to an Oracle 10g Database. I want to create a Service in Java that will poll statistics from the Database and send mail every 5 min. This Service should start when the application is deployed under Tomcat or Web-sphere. Any Ideas How this could be done ?? Thanks
Since use Spring, its Time execution and scheduling classes seem a natural choice. They work both in Tomcat and Websphere, just create your task as a POJO and schedule it:
<bean id="PollingTask" class="com.sth.PollingPOJO">
<!-- properties, if any -->
<task:scheduler id="scheduler" pool-size="1" />
<task:scheduled-tasks scheduler="scheduler">
<!-- runs every 30 minutes -->
<task:scheduled ref="PollingTask" method="run" fixed-delay="#{ 30*60*1000 }" />
The PollingTask
looks like (note that it doesn't have to implement Runnable
, "run" method is just a convention):
class PollingTask() {
public void run() {
// entry point