I tried to create function to scrape and tags from HTML page, whose URL I provide to a function, and this works as it should. I get sequence of <h3>
and <table>
elements, when I try to use select function to extract only table or h3 tags from resulting sequence,
I get (), or if I try to map those tags I get (nil nil nil ...).
Could you please help me to resolve this issue, or explain me what am I doing wrong?
Here is the code:
(ns Test2
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(defn get-page
"Gets the html page from passed url"
(html/html-resource (java.net.URL. url)))
(defn h3+table
"returns sequence of <h3> and <table> tags"
(html/select (get-page url)
{[:div#wrap :div#middle :div#content :div#prospekt :div#prospekt_container :h3]
[:div#wrap :div#middle :div#content :div#prospekt :div#prospekt_container :table]}
(def url "http://www.belex.rs/trgovanje/prospekt/VZAS/show")
This line gives me headache :
(html/select (h3+table url) [:table])
Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong?
Just to clarify my question: is it possible to use enlive's select function to extract only table tags from result of (h3+table url) ?
As @Julien pointed out, you will probably have to work with the deeply nested tree structure that you get from applying (html/select raw-html selectors)
on the raw html. It seems like you try to apply html/select
multiple times, but this doesn't work. html/select
parses html into a clojure datastructure, so you can't apply it on that datastructure again.
I found that parsing the website was actually a little involved, but I thought that it might be a nice use case for multimethods, so I hacked something together, maybe this will get you started:
(The code is ugly here, you can also checkout this gist)
(ns tutorial.scrape1
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]))
(def *url* "http://www.belex.rs/trgovanje/prospekt/VZAS/show")
(defn get-page [url]
(html/html-resource (java.net.URL. url)))
(defn content->string [content]
(nil? content) ""
(string? content) content
(map? content) (content->string (:content content))
(coll? content) (apply str (map content->string content))
:else (str content)))
(derive clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap ::Map)
(derive clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap ::Map)
(derive java.lang.String ::String)
(derive clojure.lang.ISeq ::Collection)
(derive clojure.lang.PersistentList ::Collection)
(derive clojure.lang.LazySeq ::Collection)
(defn tag-type [node]
(case (:tag node)
:tr ::CompoundNode
:table ::CompoundNode
:th ::TerminalNode
:td ::TerminalNode
:h3 ::TerminalNode
:tbody ::IgnoreNode
(defmulti parse-node
(fn [node]
(let [cls (class node)] [cls (if (isa? cls ::Map) (tag-type node) nil)])))
(defmethod parse-node [::Map ::TerminalNode] [node]
(content->string (:content node)))
(defmethod parse-node [::Map ::CompoundNode] [node]
(map parse-node (:content node)))
(defmethod parse-node [::Map ::IgnoreNode] [node]
(parse-node (:content node)))
(defmethod parse-node [::String nil] [node]
(defmethod parse-node [::Collection nil] [node]
(map parse-node node))
(defn h3+table [url]
(let [ws-content (get-page url)
h3s+tables (html/select ws-content #{[:div#prospekt_container :h3]
[:div#prospekt_container :table]})]
(for [node h3s+tables] (parse-node node))))
A few words on what's going on:
takes a data structure and collects its content into a string and returns that so you can apply this to content that may still contain nested subtags (like <br/>
) that you want to ignore.
The derive statements establish an ad hoc hierarchy which we will later use in the multi-method parse-node. This is handy because we never quite know which data structures we're going to encounter and we could easily add more cases later on.
The tag-type
function is actually a hack that mimics the hierarchy statements - AFAIK you can't create a hierarchy out of non-namespace qualified keywords, so I did it like this.
The multi-method parse-node
dispatches on the class of the node and if the node is a map additionally on the tag-type
Now all we have to do is define the appropriate methods: If we're at a terminal node we convert the contents to a string, otherwise we either recur on the content or map the parse-node function on the collection we're dealing with. The method for ::String
is actually not even used, but I left it in for safety.
The h3+table
function is pretty much what you had before, I simplified the selectors a bit and put them into a set, not sure if putting them into a map as you did works as intended.
Happy scraping!