On a Snowflake server, I have the permissions that enable reading and writing data using snowpark Python.
However, I cannot import Anaconda packages, and the error message indicates that Anaconda terms must be accepted.
The person that has the ORGADMIN role has not yet accepted the terms for Anaconda. Someone on the team in charge of this indicated to me that in order for me to use Anaconda packages, I will have to be granted powerful permissions (a security risk) that I currently do not have.
I think they have misunderstood what additional permissions and power I need or will get, and that we won't be in a security situation that is much different than the current arrangement.
Are my instincts wrong? If they are, can someone help me to understand?
If my instincts are correct, an explanation that might resonate with that team would be helpful.
There are various layers to this question:
With a new native integration, Snowpark for Python users can now seamlessly access one of the most popular ecosystems of Python open-source libraries, without the need for manual installs and package dependency management. Snowpark for Python users’ access to Anaconda’s curated repository of data science and machine learning packages doesn’t require any additional contracts, costs (outside of normal warehouse usage) or Anaconda accounts to manage. https://www.anaconda.com/partners/snowflake
Before you start using the packages provided by Anaconda inside Snowflake, you must acknowledge the External Offerings Terms. https://docs.snowflake.com/en/developer-guide/udf/python/udf-python-packages#getting-started
For convenience, a number of popular open source third-party Python packages that are built and provided by Anaconda are made available to use out of the box inside Snowflake virtual warehouses. There is no additional cost for such use of the Anaconda packages apart from Snowflake’s standard consumption-based pricing -- https://docs.snowflake.com/en/developer-guide/udf/python/udf-python-packages#getting-started
In special cases your ORGADMIN might have thoughts like "I only want to give my users access to certain packages", or "I want to give them access to everything, except ...". These situations are not usual, but to cover these needs Snowflake recently added a Packages Policies feature for your admin to make these decisions:
Check the growing number of packages on the Snowflake conda channel: