I am using react-navigation v6 and expo 49. Bundler for web is webpack.
I need help with react navigation. It is around how links are generated. I have created a linking config which has a config like
[screenNames.itemDetail]: {
path: "item-detail/:itemId",
exact: true,
I am using useLinkProps
to generate href links on web. Here is that code snippet
const { onPress: onLinkPress, ...linkProps } = useLinkProps({
to: {
screen: screenNames.itemDetail,
params: {
itemId: item.id,
origin: "search",
If I am on same browser tab and click on the link that gets generated. I go to correct link which is /item-detail/40?origin=search
. However, if I use ⌘+click
or right click to open in new tab
, the link that I get is /item-detail?itemId=40&origin=search
. Notice that itemId
is a param now.
How do I make sure that link that is generated is always item-detail/40
Here is a snack link that reproduces this issue https://snack.expo.dev/@khageshfoodapp/hello-react-navigation-|-react-navigation
I don't want to create the exact link string myself. I know I can always serialize params for query string myself and give react navigation the exact path. By doing this, I loose strict type checking for params and screen names.
I realized that I needed to pass exact same structure to useLinkProps
as we have in our navigator. So, if I do below then everything is fine.
to: {
screen: "main-drawer",
params: {
screen: screenNames.itemDetail,
params: {
itemId: item.id,
origin: "search",