I want to connect my SQL database to Anylogic to conduct some experiments. Even if I can reach my database via python and SQL Management Stuido (that means i can reach from other softwares), I cannot connect Anylogic. It gives me this error: Login failed due to client TLS version being less than minimal TLS version allowed by the server. In addition, my database's TLS version is 1.2 and I know that Anylogic released 1.3 in last April. To intersect their versions I even tried to write my mail file's simulation window> Advanced Java> Java Machine Arguments gap: -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2. However it still gave me the same error. How can i fix this? Thanks in advance.
In addition, my database's TLs version is 1.2 and I know that Anylogic released 1.3 in last April. To intersect their versions I even tried to write my mail file's simulation window> Advanced Java> Java Machine Arguments gap: -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2. However it still gave me the same error. How can i fix this? Thanks in advance.
You need to connect using the JDBC Driver and add ssl=require
to the connection URL as described here.