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How to grab/capture images from usb camera with OpenCV using EmguCV at high FPS?

I have this usb camera. I want to cature video at a high framerate. The manufacturer states that the camera is able to do 180 FSP @ resolution 640x480. I did check this and the camera indeed works (hardware is okay; check including usb and PC).

My problem is, that I can't successfully setup the camera to the needed settings. I use EmguCV.

private void FrmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Initialize the VideoCapture object for webcam (default camera index)
    capture = new VideoCapture(0);

    // Check if the capture object is opened successfully
    if (!capture.IsOpened)
        MessageBox.Show("Failed to open webcam!");

    //manufacturer specs.
    //1280x720 MJPG @90fps -> yes I get video @90 fps
    //960x540 MJPG @90fps  -> no video -- I read out FPS=1
    //640x480 MJPG @180fps -> no video -- I read out FPS=1
    //640x360 MJPG @180fps -> no video -- I read out FPS=1
    //424x240 MJPG @180fps -> no video -- I read out FPS=1
    //320x240 MJPG @180fps -> yes I get video BUT @30fps
    //320x180 MJPG @180fps -> yes I get video BUT @30fps

    //capture.Set(CapProp.FourCC, fourcc); // is equal to => 1196444237
    var fourcc = Convert.ToDouble(VideoWriter.Fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'));

    capture.Set(CapProp.FrameWidth, 640);    
    capture.Set(CapProp.FrameHeight, 360);
    capture.Set(CapProp.Fps, Convert.ToDouble(180));
    capture.Set(CapProp.FourCC, fourcc); 

    RtxbxShow.Text += $"Camera is ready!\n";
    RtxbxShow.Text += $"Set in cam FPS: {capture.Get(CapProp.Fps)}\n";
    RtxbxShow.Text += $"Set in cam Width: {capture.Get(CapProp.FrameWidth)}\n";
    RtxbxShow.Text += $"Set in cam Height: {capture.Get(CapProp.FrameHeight)}\n";

I set the propertys like this and then right after that I read out the propertys. In the comments you can see what I read out. For my desired setting of 640x480 @180 fps. I get back FPS of 1. Funny enough the 90Fps setting works. But I need 180Fps any ideas?

EDIT: I could read out the settings from the camera with ffmpeg. And I could record a video with this: .\ffmpeg.exe -f dshow -video_size 640x480 -framerate 180 -i video="USB 2M GS camera" output.mp4



    I got it to work. I changed the code from original post in one line.


    capture = new VideoCapture(0);


    capture = new VideoCapture(0, VideoCapture.API.DShow);

    To set the capture to a specific backend (DShow). I left it the whole time on auto. But that didn't do it.

    Look here for more Info
