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How to pass AWS Secret to Elastic Document DB Cluster using CDK/ Terraform/ Cloudformation

I am trying to create a Elastic Document DB cluster using AWS CDK. This is the L1 resource to achieve the same (sadly there is no L2 construct for Elastic doc db).

There is a property authType which accepts either PLAIN_TEXT or SECRET_ARN as values. The documentation doesn't clarify what it means. Neither is the Cloudformation documentation clear. I am assuming that when the value is set to PLAIN_TEXT, we have to hardcode our password in our CDK code under the adminUserPassword field (which is not secure). So how to use the SECRET_ARN value? Where do I create and pass my AWS Secret?

The CDK documentation states that adminUserPassword is an optional field while the Cloud formation documentation states that it is a conditional field. But when I omit this field (regardless of the value of authType), Cloudformation throws an error that this field is missing.

This is what I tried

const secret = new cdk.aws_secretsmanager.Secret(this, 'DocDbSecret', {
      description: "Secret for docDb cluster",
      secretName: "docDbSecret", 

    const elasticCluster = new aws_docdbelastic.CfnCluster(this, 'elasticCluster', {
        adminUserName: 'myAdmin',
        adminUserPassword: secret.secretArn, // Should we pass secret here? if yes how?
        authType: 'SECRET_ARN',
        clusterName: 'myCluster',
        shardCapacity: 2,
        shardCount: 2,

The terraform resource also has the same confusion...


  • We have to pass the ARN of the secret in the adminUserPassword field.

    Though, the password for doc db cluster has some conditions which should be specified when generating the secret.

    • Auth type will be SECRET_ARN.

    • adminUserPassword will be secret.secretArn

    • Secret

    should not contain @"/

     * Create a new secret
    const secret = new secretsmanager.Secret(this, 'docDbSecret', {
      description: "Description",
      secretName: "docDbSecret",
      generateSecretString: {
        // Don't include / @ "
        excludeCharacters: '/@"',
    const elasticCluster = new aws_docdbelastic.CfnCluster(this, 'elasticCluster', {
        adminUserName: 'myAdmin',
        adminUserPassword: secret.secretArn, 
        authType: 'SECRET_ARN',
        clusterName: 'myCluster',
        shardCapacity: 2,
        shardCount: 2,