I have 2 tables as below, i would like to filter both table, multiply with the relevant rate, and sum the amount. Many thanks in advance.
_factFX table should be filtered by FY24
Rate Currency Fiscal Year
0.5 CNY FY24
0.75 CAN FY23
1 USD FY24
1 USD FY23
1.3 EUR FY24
1.5 EUR FY23
_factInput table should be filtered by A
Currency Amount A/B
EU 10 A
USD 10 A
CNY 10 A
USD 10 B
CNY 10 B
Expected Answer
10*1.3 + 10*1 + 10*0.5
Assuming no relationships and that EU = EUR in your test data, then the following works. It is a very strange requirement though.
Measure =
VAR x = CALCULATE(MAX(_factInput[Currency]))
VAR r = CALCULATE(MAX(_factFX[Rate]), _factFX[Currency] = x, _factFX[Fiscal Year] = "FY24")
_factInput[Amount] * r
, _factInput[A/B] = "A"