I am building a Flutter App with Supabase as a backend and a chat feature.
In Supabase I have the Table chat_messages:
id uuid
content varchar
sent_by uuid (fk -> users.id)
quoded_message_id uuid (fk -> chat_messages.id)
The quoted_message_id is s self-referencing foreign key, so, as the name says, I can quote messages like e.g. in WhatsApp.
I query the chat messages with
final result = await Supabase.instance.client.from('chat_messages')
This should return a list of the table chat_messages, with a nested chat_message id quoted_message_id is not null. To give you an example: Let's say I have two columns in that table:
id | content | sent_by | quoted_message_id '123' | 'Test 1' | | null '456' | 'Test 2' | | '123'
The result I expect when I query that Table:
'id': '123',
'content': 'Test 1',
'sent_by': <userId>,
'quoted_message_id': null,
'quoted_message': [],
'id': '456',
'content': 'Test 2',
'sent_by': <userId>,
'quoted_message_id': '123',
'quoted_message': [
'id': '123',
'content': 'Test 1',
'sent_by': <userId>,
'quoted_message_id': null
But the result I get is like this:
'id': '123',
'content': 'Test 1',
'sent_by': <userId>,
'quoted_message_id': null,
'quoted_message': [
'id': '456',
'content': 'Test 2',
'sent_by': <userId>,
'quoted_message_id': '123'
'id': '456',
'content': 'Test 2',
'sent_by': <userId>,
'quoted_message_id': '123',
'quoted_message': []
So the quoted messages are exactly the other way around. I tried these methods, which both did not work. The first one had the same result, the second one threw an error.
final result = await Supabase.instance.client.from('chat_messages')
final result = await Supabase.instance.client.from('chat_messages')
If you want to flip the way messages are queried, try the following:
final result = await Supabase.instance.client.from('chat_messages')