I'd like to pass multiple arguments to a single pytest fixture, for example:
pytest test_sample.py --arg1 "Hello" --arg2 "World"
And I have a fixture which expects 2 arguments. Below is a failed attempt of trying to do that.
# test_string.py
import pytest
def stringinput(): # How to pass both --arg1 and --arg2 to it?
print("arg1 is: ", arg1)
print("arg2 is: ", arg2)
def test_valid_string(stringinput):
# conftest.py
import pytest
def pytest_addoption(parser):
help="list of stringinputs to pass to test functions",
help="list of stringinputs to pass to test functions",
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "stringinput" in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("stringinput", metafunc.config.getoption("arg1"))
metafunc.parametrize("stringinput", metafunc.config.getoption("arg2")) # This doesn't work. How to add multiple options?
This post solves the problem of passing a single argument to a fixture, But how to pass both --arg1
and --arg2
to a fixture?
If I understand your question correctly, you don't need parametrized tests at all. If you just want to handle command line arguments in a fixture, you can access your arguments inside the fixture via the standard request
import pytest
def stringinput(request):
arg1 = request.config.option.arg1 if "arg1" in request.config.option else ""
arg2 = request.config.option.arg2 if "arg2" in request.config.option else ""
yield f"{arg1}-{arg2}"
def test_valid_string(stringinput):
So if running your test with --arg1=foo --arg2=bar
, the output would be stringinput=foo-bar
You still want to register your options with pytest_addoption
as you do, but you don't need to implement pytest_generate_tests