I'm running into an odd error extracting some non-default properties from a DirectoryObject and could use some guidance.
I'm using the following to grab the manager for the current user
GraphServiceClient graphServiceClient = this.GetGraphServiceClient();
var managerInfo = await graphServiceClient.Me.Manager
user.ManagerUpperEmail = GetDirObjPropertyValue(manager, "UserPrincipalName");
user.ManagerUpperName = GetDirObjPropertyValue(manager, "DisplayName");
user.ManagerUpperID = GetDirObjPropertyValue(manager, "onPremisesSamAccountName");
and I am able to see ALL of those properties when I view the managerInfo object in VS2019 Inspector (as shown below) but when I try to access it using the following, I get an NullReferenceException in the var3 assignment due to the part shown in var2 returning a null. This DOES NOT happen when running the same code against properties DisplayName and UserPrincipalName
private string GetDirObjPropertyValue(DirectoryObject dObj, string key)
var var1 = dObj.GetType();
var var2 = dObj.GetType().GetProperty(key);
var var3 = dObj.GetType().GetProperty(key).GetValue(dObj, null);
return (String) dObj.GetType().GetProperty(key).GetValue(dObj, null);
returning a null in the following. This works perfectly for default properties such as DisplayName and UserPrincipalName.
The property names are case sensitive.
You need to use OnPremisesSamAccountName
instead of onPremisesSamAccountName