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cookie-session: req.session is null but cookies are not removed from browser

According to cookie-session docs Destroying a session can be done with req.session = null

In my Nestjs application I get the session (using the session decorator) and assign a userId property to it.

  async signin(@Body() body: SigninUserDto, @Session() session: any) {
    const user = await this.authService.signin(body);
    session.userId =;
    return user;

This creates a session in the browser: enter image description here

On signout, I set the session to null, as per the documentation, and in the browser, the session cookie is still visible. Why is it not removed; does this present a security concern; and how does one remove the session if it is a security concern?

  signout(@Session() session: any) {
    session = null;

Edit: Some additional info - On the frontend I created a basic login form using NextJS that redirects the user to a home page with a simple logout button. the logout button sends an api call to the signout endpoint in my NestJS application that assigns session=null.


  • Did you inspect cookie contents? Probably session = null removes some session-data from cookie and leaves just a blank cookie

    If not:

    You could try to use @Req() req: Request and then call req.session = null