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Why does it seem necessary to rotate transformation matrix for mapping coordinates with scikit image?

I have a set of points that are effectively 3 vertices of a 45-45-90 right triangle and some other points, a, that should map to them.

import numpy as np

points = np.array([
    ( 90, 416),
    (398, 390),
    (374,  84)

a = np.array([
    (0, 1),  # maps to (90, 416)
    (1, 1),  # maps to (398, 390)
    (1, 0)   # maps to (374, 84)

I want to find the similarity transformation that properly maps a to points.

from skimage import transform

# transformation that makes sense to me
T1 = transform.estimate_transform(

# invert the rotation for no reason
# other than to show that it works
T2 = transform.SimilarityTransform(

# apply transformations via matrix multiplication
a_T1 = a @ T1.params[:2, :2] + T1.params[:2, 2]
a_T2 = a @ T2.params[:2, :2] + T2.params[:2, 2]

Why is it that T2 (where I just inverted the rotation for no real reason other than I eventually found out that it works) yields the better mapping? Or am I making a dumb mistake in my implementation?

enter image description here


  • It's not you. There's lots of different conventions around transformation matrices and it just so happens that

    • skimage uses (M @ x.T).T as the convention
    • In this case, T2.params[:2, :2] is equal to T1.params[:2, :2].T (This is not generally true, if you have skew.)

    But, I personally am always confused by the conventions here myself. To figure it out I had to know that skimage transforms have a __call__ method, so you can just apply them with T1(a), which gives the correct results. So now it was just a matter of looking at the source code and seeing that it calls _apply_mat, which looks like this:

        def _apply_mat(self, coords, matrix):
            ndim = matrix.shape[0] - 1
            coords = np.array(coords, copy=False, ndmin=2)
            src = np.concatenate([coords, np.ones((coords.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
            dst = src @ matrix.T
            # below, we will divide by the last dimension of the homogeneous
            # coordinate matrix. In order to avoid division by zero,
            # we replace exact zeros in this column with a very small number.
            dst[dst[:, ndim] == 0, ndim] = np.finfo(float).eps
            # rescale to homogeneous coordinates
            dst[:, :ndim] /= dst[:, ndim : ndim + 1]
            return dst[:, :ndim]

    For your transform (which is affine), this is essentially equivalent to (T1.params[:2, :2] @ a.T).T + T1.params[:2, 2], which is equal to a @ T1.params[:2, :2].T + T1.params[:2, 2], again, the transpose of what you were computing and equal to a @ T2.params[:2, :2] + T2.params[:2, 2].

    Even though it's confusing to have multiple conventions out there, I hope this clarifies why things were looking wonky!