In a dataframe I would like to test if a value in a column is present in a second column. However, the second column is a list column containing a repeated vector as shown below:
numbers.col <- c(1,2,3)
letters.col <- c("a", "b", "c")
search.for <- list("a","b")
df <- data.frame(numbers.col, letters.col)
df$search.for <- list(search.for)
This results in:
numbers.col letters.col search.for
1 1 a a, b
2 2 b a, b
3 3 c a, b
Trying to search. If it worked, I would have "Ok" for rows 1 and 2 and "Nok" for row 3 (result column).
mutate(df, result = if_else(df$letters.col %in% df$search.for, "Ok", "Nok"))
numbers.col letters.col search.for result
1 1 a a, b Nok
2 2 b a, b Nok
3 3 c a, b Nok
Is there a way to make it work?
You just need to use map2_chr
to map the two vectors to a string:
df |>
mutate(result = map2_chr(letters.col, search.for,
~if_else(.x %in% .y, "Ok", "Nok")))
#> numbers.col letters.col search.for result
#> 1 1 a a, b Ok
#> 2 2 b a, b Ok
#> 3 3 c a, b Nok