The JSON below comes from an entity on table storage. There will be more "item" properties added and removed over time - they represent whether a job has completed or not. My goal is to understand when all jobs have completed.
In a Logic App I check if any items are false. I won't know the name of the "item" in advance.
I'm looking for a method to map the JSON properties in to an array. Is there such a method or is there another way?
"odata.etag": "W/"datetime'2024-02-22T14%3A28%3A16.3091774Z'"",
"PartitionKey": "2024",
"RowKey": "08584929947924424952570595495CU00",
"Timestamp": "2024-02-22T14:28:16.3091774+00:00",
"item-001": "false",
"item-002": "false",
You could run a JavaScript code snippet in your workflow, e.g.
let obj = workflowContext.actions.Compose.outputs;
let arr = Object.keys(obj).map(key => ({name: key, value: obj[key]}));
return arr;