I'm writing small poc trying to rewrite piece of logic written in python to pyspark, where im processing logs stored in sqlite one by one:
logs = [...]
processed_logs = []
previous_log = EmptyDecoratedLog() #empty
for log in logs:
processed_log = with_outlet_value_closed(log, previous_log)
previous_log = processed_log
def with_outlet_value_closed(current_entry: DecoratedLog, previous_entry: DecoratedLog):
if current_entry.sourceName == "GS2":
self.outletValveClosed = current_entry.eventData
self.outletValveClosed = previous_entry.outletValveClosed
which I wanted to represent in pyspark api as:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
window = W.orderBy("ID") #where ID is unique id on those logs
f.when((f.col("sourceName") == "GS2"), f.col("eventData"))
but this leads to AnalysisException: [UNRESOLVED_COLUMN.WITH_SUGGESTION] A column or function parameter with name outletValveClosed
cannot be resolved.
So my question is: Is it possible to represent such code where the value of a current row depends from previous row of the same column(i know that this will result in all records being processed on a single thread, but thats fine)
I've tried adding initialization of a column
df = df.withColumn("testValveOpened", f.lit(0))
f.when((f.col("sourceName") == "GS2"), f.col("eventData"))
but then I'm getting
ID |sourceName|eventData|testValveOpened
1 |GS3 |1 |0
2 |GS2 |1 |1
3 |GS2 |8 |8
4 |GS1 |1 |0
5 |GS2 |2 |0
6 |ABC |0 |0
7 |B123 |0 |0
8 |B423 |0 |0
9 |PTSD |168 |0
10 |XCD |0 |0
I would like to get
ID |sourceName|eventData|testValveOpened
1 |GS3 |1 |0
2 |GS2 |1 |1
3 |GS2 |8 |8
4 |GS1 |1 |8
5 |GS2 |2 |2
6 |ABC |0 |2
7 |B123 |0 |2
8 |B423 |0 |2
9 |PTSD |168 |2
10 |XCD |0 |2
so when there's GS2 take value of eventData, otherwise cary value from previous testValueOpened
You have to rewrite the logic a bit, as you cannot update each row 'one by one'. First check for HS2:
df.withColumn("testValveOpened", f.when(f.col("sourceName" == "GS2"), f.lit(1)).otherwise(0))
then do a cumulative sum and comparison to see if a GS2 was present before:
df.withColumn("testValveOpened", f.sum("testValveOpened").over(window) > 1)