I am using @vuepic/vue3datepicker and I would like to disable or hide the next and previous arrows to prevent the user checking data outside the current month:
I did not find a useful prop to use for this purpose.
I tried the :hide-navigation prop but it did not work.
Any suggestions ?
The arrows can be disabled if the mininum and maximum dates fall within the current month and prevent-min-max-navigation prop is used.
<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
import { startOfMonth, endOfMonth } from 'date-fns'
const date = ref(new Date())
const minDate = computed(() => startOfMonth(new Date()))
const maxDate = computed(() => endOfMonth(new Date()))
There's also the disable-month-year-select prop that will hide the header of the calendar picker which includes the arrows.