I would like to change:
type patch;
type patch;
type wall;
type patch;
As a first attempt to achieve this, I tried to limit the range between inlet and outlet and replace "patch" with wall.
echo "inlet { patch } outlet" | sed "/^\(inlet [^ ]*\) .* \([^ ]*\)$/s//\1 wall \2/"
which gave output :
inlet { wall outlet
The last curly bracket is missing.
echo "inlet {patch} outlet {patch}"| sed "/inlet/,/outlet/{s/patch/wall/}"
gave output :
inlet {wall} outlet {patch}
However, I need to make sure that the "patch" that is replaced by wall shall have a "type" in the same line. It is this part I need to resolve now.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E '/^inlet$/{n;/^\{$/{:a;N;/^\}$/M!ba;s/^(\s+type\s+)\S+/\1wall;/M}}' file
Search for line containing inlet
Print it and fetch the next line.
If that line contains only {
, fetch subsequent lines until one containing only }
Now substitute a line beginning and separated by white space, two words: the first being type
and then replace the second word by wall;
N.B. The use of the M
flag in both regexp and the substitution commands, that bound the regexp by line i.e. the anchors respect the ^
and $
anchors, in a multiline string.