I am running a simple powershell query in Azure. I am looking to filter only the Web Apps with a certain Tag assigned to it:
$apps = Get-AzWebApp | Where-Object {$_.Tags["Application"] -match "any-tag-value"}
if ($apps) {
foreach ($app in $apps) {
Write-Host $app.Name
Regardless, if it finds anything or not, the first two results are always InvalidOperation: Cannot index into a null array.
. After that it lists what it finds.
If I remove the Where-Object clause everything works fine.
I am not sure why this error occurs and what are these two empty arrays that go into the resultset.
Anyone can shed light into this?
Most likely the first 2 resources listed by your cmdlet don't have a tag set and referencing a property that is not set will be null
and then indexing a null
value causes the exception you're seeing:
([pscustomobject]@{ }).PropertyDoesNotExist['foo']
# Throws: InvalidOperation: Cannot index into a null array.
The easiest workaround for this can be via dot notation and let member-access enumeration handle the indexing for you, that way:
$apps = Get-AzWebApp | Where-Object { $_.Tags.Application -match "any-tag-value" }
Or, you can first check if such property exist and then try to index it:
$apps = Get-AzWebApp | Where-Object { $_.Tags -and $_.Tags['Application'] -match "any-tag-value" }