I have a problem with Supabase that is related to RLS.
In my Python backend, I set up the supabase client and get the user based on the JWT jwt
passed by the frontend:
user = supabase.auth.get_user(jwt)
user_id = user.dict().get("user").get("id")
response = (
.update({"credits": 10})
.eq("user_id", user_id)
Without RLS, this works fine, updating the row successfully.
However, with the following RLS rules, nothing is modified and 0 rows are returned:
create policy "Everybody can select users."
on users for select
using ( true );
create policy "Users can update own user."
on users for update
using ( auth.uid() = user_id );
What am I doing wrong? Obviously I have to use some RLS rule… But I guess the authentication check ( auth.uid() = user_id )
doesn't match up when using the JWT.
I think I need to pass the JWT to the supabase
client as well, so it's included in all requests, but I don't know how!
OK, I solved it like this:
# Update this with the data of a currently logged in user
access_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..."
refresh_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
supabase: Client = create_client(
supabase.auth.set_session(access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token)
However, I now suggest just using the supabase service role key on the backend:
supabase: Client = create_client(
You can then still verify that your user is logged in by running:
Which will make a request to supabase and return the user data.