I have a Azure DevOps pipeline template that is used for deploying a Arm template. Its also meant to parse the ARM template outputs into Devops variables that should be accessible throughout the pipeline run. But i have problem with setting the variable and accessing it.
Here is a print from the run where we can see the output from the template. It's an array containing strings.
When i attempt to access it in azure powershell script i do this and everything works well.
$outputJson = $deployment.outputs | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Host "print: $output"
So im able to print the output. But after that i want to set a variable that i can use in the pipeline run:
Here is my problem, im trying to set the variable here like this: (Tried some different ways)
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=outputTest;isOutput=true]$outputJson"
Here is some examples of my syntax when trying to access the variable.
Write-Host "print var test1: $outputTest"
Write-Host "print var test2: $(outputTest)"
Write-Host "print var test3: ${{ $variables.outputTest }}"
Write-Host "print var test4: '${{ $variables.outputTest }}'"
but what ever i do i do the printed output is empty. I feel so stupid.. haha Any ideas?
Additional information:
This is the structure of the yaml file where the commands take place
- script: |
echo parameters.serviceconnection - ${{parameters.serviceconnection}}
echo resourceGroup - ${{parameters.resourceGroup}}
echo resourceGroupLocation - ${{parameters.resourceGroupLocation}}
echo overrideParameters - ${{parameters.overrideParameters}}
displayName: 'arm-template.yml - Variable list'
task: AzurePowerShell@5
displayName: "PowerShell template deploy"
azureSubscription: ${{parameters.serviceConnection}}
scriptType: InlineScript
azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
inline: |
"my code"
If not mistaken, the reason you are not seeing the variable is because when you are using isOutput=true
the task/step itself would need to be referenced.
This flag is important for passing variables/data between stages & jobs, but can be skipped for tasks within the same job.
I will give you 2 alternatives on how you should be able to solve it.
Option 1
Remove the isOutput=true
from Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=outputTest;isOutput=true]$outputJson"
This should make it into a regular variable and can there after be called by $(outputTest)
Please note that this variable only exists within the same job
and is only known for the agent running the job
. It can be referenced within the same job
, but it cannot be referenced/called anywhere else thereafter.
Option 2
If you keep isOutput=true
you would need a way to reference the task itself:
- task: AzurePowerShell@5
displayName: "PowerShell template deploy"
name: NameOfMyTask
azureSubscription: ${{parameters.serviceConnection}}
scriptType: InlineScript
azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
inline: |
"your code"
By adding name: NameOfMyTask
while keeping isOutput=true
you should be able to reference it by $(NameOfMyTask.outputTest)
Passing it to another job
With isOutput=true
it can also be referenced in another job
using the following example:
- job: MySecondJob
dependsOn: [MyFirstJob] # This is your job where you set the variable with isOutput=true
myOutput: $[ dependencies.MyFirstJob.outputs['NameOfMyTask.outputTest'] ]
- pwsh: |
Write-Output $(myOutput)
With isOutput=true
it can also be referenced in another stage
using the following example:
Passing it to another stage
- stage: MySecondStage
dependsOn: [MyFirstStage] # This is your stage where you set the variable with isOutput=true
myOutput: $[ stageDependencies.MyFirstStage.MyFirstJob.outputs['NameOfMyTask.outputTest'] ]
- job: MySecondJob
- pwsh: |
Write-Output $(myOutput)
The reason the dependsOn
is needed is because $[]
is a runtime expression, and if it would not await the first stage/job/step to be completed and hence the variable set, it would lead to an empty value/null for the variable.
Hope you can solve it using the provided information, good luck!