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While Adding GCP managed certificate to Application load balancer ingress only shows port 80

I am facing a strange issue.

I have an application running on GKE.. It creates an ALB (classic) in GCP. I have created a certificate in GCP and I added that certificate to ALB using annotation . it got added and I can see when I call the ingress that certificate is in use.

Now problem is that in my GKE when I check kubectl get ingress I see only port 80 and not 80,443

Is this expected behaviour or there is an issue . and if this is issue how to solve it ? my ingress manifest

  enabled: true
  annotations: certificate-name-ssl 'gce'
    - host:
        - backend:
                name: my-service
                  number: 8080
        - path: /
          pathType: Prefix

If I add tis certificate to load balancer it does show port 80,443


  • I believe its a normal behavior, upon checking this documentation wherein there is a step to create a Google managed SSL certificate, once the yaml with annotation of the google managed certificate manifested then applied to cluster, the step performed kubectl get ingress and got the same result as yours. These steps can be seen from the link I shared.