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R how to convert column names into a better Year and Month format

I have a dataframe which has year and month as column names for some cloumns.

ID <- c(1, 3, 9L, 21L, 15L)
names <- c("as", "ds", "sds", "www", "jgh")
`201401` <- c("12L", "310L", "2379L", "234L", "14L")
`201402` <- c("12L", "310L", "2379L", "234L", "14L")
`201403` <- c("12L", "310L", "2379L", "234L", "14L")
`201404` <- c("12L", "310L", "2379L", "234L", "14L")

I would like to conver year month cloumns names into date format so that columns such as 201401 becomes Jan 2014 and so on.

df <- data.frame(ID, names, `201401`, `201402`, `201403`, `201404`, check.names = FALSE)

betterDate <-  as.Date(df$201401,"%m/%y")  #possible solution ?

What be the best approach to have the following outcome ?

Expected Outcome df Column names as:

ID =c(1, 3, 9L, 21L, 15L)
names = c("as","ds" ,"sds" ,"www", "jgh")
Jan 2014 = c('12L', '310L','2379L', '234L', '14L')
Feb 2014 =c('12L', '310L','2379L', '234L', '14L')
Mar 2014 =c('12L', '310L','2379L', '234L', '14L')
April 2014 =c('12L', '310L','2379L', '234L', '14L')


  • You can use ym + format

    names(df)[-(1:2)] <- format(ym(names(df[-(1:2)])), "%b %Y")

    and you will obtain

    > df
      ID names Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014
    1  1    as      12L      12L      12L      12L
    2  3    ds     310L     310L     310L     310L
    3  9   sds    2379L    2379L    2379L    2379L
    4 21   www     234L     234L     234L     234L
    5 15   jgh      14L      14L      14L      14L