I am trying to no avail to format the date on my rows in my data table. i am using a template body inside the data table to loop trhough each row to fing if column is of type date, but i keep ketting the same values per row over and over again
<data-table :value="props.rows" stripedRows resizable-columns column-resize-mode="fit" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem"
showGridlines scroll-height="1000px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ itemSize: 15 }" removableSort
sortField="row[columnKey]" :sort-order="-1">
<column sortable v-for="(column, columnKey) in props.columns" :key="columnKey" :field="columnKey"
<template #body v-for="(row, rowKey) in props.rows">
<div v-if="column.type === 'date'">
{{ row[columnKey] !== undefined
? row[columnKey].toLocaleDateString() +
" " +
: ""
<div v-else>
{{ parseValue(row[columnKey]) }}
my props are:
const props = defineProps({
columns: Object,
rows: Object,
actions: Array,
massUpdatable: Boolean,
isLoading: Boolean,
lastPageLoaded: Boolean,
fullPage: Boolean,
I followed that example and did the following:
<data-table :value="filteredData" stripedRows resizable-columns column-resize-mode="fit" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem"
showGridlines scroll-height="1000px" :virtualScrollerOptions="{ itemSize: 15 }" removableSort
sortField="row[columnKey]" :sort-order="-1">
<column sortable v-for="(column, columnKey) in tableColumns" :key="columnKey" :field="columnKey"
<template #body="{ data, field }">
{{ column.type === 'date' ? `${data[field].toLocaleDateString()} ${data[field].toLocaleTimeString()}` : data[field] }}
the value of deconstructed data and fields in the template are the exact same as "row[columnKey]
" somehow, and then i can run a 'date' condition against that value, used a template literal and it works now. its not documented anywhere how this happens though.