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Add more details other than name, image, and id to NextAuth session

I have implemented next-auth in Next.js project and I have this JWT and session:

export const { signIn, signOut, auth } = NextAuth({
  providers: [
      async authorize(credentials) {
        try {
          const user = await login(credentials);
          return user;
        } catch (error) {
          return null;
  callbacks: {
    async jwt({ token, user }: { token: any; user: any }) {
      if (user) { = (user as CustomUser).id;
        token.username = (user as CustomUser).username;
        token.img = (user as CustomUser).img;
        token.isAdmin = (user as CustomUser).isAdmin;
      return token;
    async session({ session, token }: { session: any; token: any }) {
      if (token) {
        session.user = {
          name: token.username,
          image: token.img,
          isAdmin: token.isAdmin,
      return session;

I am adding isAdmin also in session so that I can use it in my code.

const session = await auth();

And I am getting this error message:

Property 'isAdmin' does not exist on type '{ name?: string | null | undefined; email?: string | null | undefined; image?: string | null | undefined; }'.ts(2339)

Can someone tell me how to add more data in session?

This is my user:

  _id: new ObjectId('random'),
  username: 'admin',
  email: '[email protected]',
  password: '',
  isAdmin: true,
  isActive: true,
  phone: '',
  address: 'no ',


  • You need to create a types/next-auth.d.ts file, and add the additional field you want to the session, as the doc shows:

    import NextAuth, { DefaultSession } from "next-auth"
    declare module "next-auth" {
      interface Session {
        user: {
          isAdmine?: boolean
        } & DefaultSession["user"]