I'm trying to build a .NET8 console app which will do some Microsoft Graph calls using application only permissions. the app uses a certificate to get a token and should authenticate itself without any user prompt.
The code below works as I'm able to set the WithAppOnly option to work only with application permissions :
var devices = await graphServiceClient.DeviceManagement.ManagedDevices.GetAsync(r => r.Options.WithAppOnly());
But if I try to iterate through all pages it seems that the PageIterator ignores the WithAppOnly option and therefore I get the following error :
IDW10502: An MsalUiRequiredException was thrown due to a challenge for the user.
Here's the code I use to iterate :
var devicelist = new List<DeviceModel>();
var pageIterator = PageIterator<ManagedDevice, ManagedDeviceCollectionResponse>.CreatePageIterator(graphServiceClient, devices, (device) =>
return true;
await pageIterator.IterateAsync();
How can I add the withAppOnly request option to the iterator ? Or can I add the WithAppOnly option as default in my graph client ?
And in the worst case how can I iterate through pages without the iterator ?
Thanks !
Have you tried to configure request options for subsequent request?
var pageIterator = PageIterator<ManagedDevice, ManagedDeviceCollectionResponse>.CreatePageIterator(graphServiceClient, devices, (device) =>
return true;
var requestOptions = new List<IRequestOption>();
return requestInfo;