I was manually renaming about 450 files for a project I'm working on and realized 400 in that it would be easier if "y" came first in the order, but I was too far in by that point to change it. Is there I way I could automatically do that?
Needs to be:
I looked for other batch renaming options for help, but I couldn't find any that would help with this specific issue.
Assuming you have an array of strings:
$strings = @(
You can first use the regex pattern (?<=-)([^_]+)_([^.]+)
with -replace
operator, and then Sort-Object
for sorting them:
$strings -replace '(?<=-)([^_]+)_([^.]+)', '$2_$1' | Sort-Object
See https://regex101.com/r/e7kggt/2 for regex details.