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Overriding Scaffold Controller in Rails 7.1

Briefly, I want to override and/or add additional files when running rails generate scaffold MyModel name:string for example.

  1. [DONE] Override the views
  2. [????] Override the controller.rb
  3. [????] Add to the views such as destroy.turbo_stream.haml, _mymodel.html.haml

I've spent the afternoon reading documentation reading how to override templates with rails generators at along with a slew of posts on how to over-ride various parts of controllers.

While I was able to override some of the views, I've yet been able find the path magic to override the controller.rb used during scaffold generation.

Per this, I should be able to add the controller file somewhere in lib/templates but nothing is working.

I wanted to add before_action :authenticate_user! and some other changes that I want to ensure are always in scaffolded controllers.

Any thoughts as to the specific location within railties ... per documentation it is this:

But then where in lib/ does it go?

  • I've tried lib/rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/templates/
  • I've tried lib/templates/rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/templates/
  • I've tried lib/templates/
  • I've tried ... banging my head

I'd love some help. HELP!! :)

P.S. And if you know how to add additional views (e.g. destroy.turbo_stream.haml to the mix in the views along with _MODEL.html.haml I'd love to figure that out, too.


  • Override the views

    # lib/generators/haml/scaffold/templates/show.html.haml
    #             .--'    |                  |
    #             |    .--'     .------------'
    #             v    v        v
    $ bin/rails g scaffold Testing
    $ cat app/views/testings/show.html.haml
    hi haml

    Override the controller.rb

    Override default controller template from railties gem:

    # lib/rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/templates/
    #             .--------'     |                             |
    #             |     .--------'          .------------------'
    #             v     v                   v

    Add to the views such as destroy.turbo_stream.haml.

    Generate a generator in rails namespace:

    $ bin/rails g generator rails/my_scaffold
    # lib/generators/rails/my_scaffold/my_scaffold_generator.rb
    class Rails::MyScaffoldGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase
      # run default scaffold
      invoke "scaffold_controller"
      # add new stuff
      include Rails::Generators::ResourceHelpers
      source_root File.expand_path("templates", __dir__)
      def copy_view_files
        ["destroy.turbo_stream.haml"].each do |filename|
          template filename, File.join("app/views", controller_file_path, filename)
    # lib/generators/rails/my_scaffold/templates/
    # TODO: make a template

    Change default scaffold controller generator:

    # config/application.rb
    config.generators do |g|
      g.scaffold_controller :my_scaffold
    $ bin/rails g scaffold Testing   
         create    app/views/testings/destroy.turbo_stream.haml

    You could get a bit more granular if you want:

    # config/application.rb
    config.generators do |g|
      g.template_engine :my_scaffold

    and then instead of invoking the whole scaffold just invoke "haml:scaffold" the rest is the same.

    This isn't the prettiest way of adding to the scaffold, because the scaffold log is nested under my_scaffold. If you want to add this generator to be invoked by the scaffold instead, you'll have to add a new hook:

    For example, have a look at how jbuilder does it: