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Python: remove unicode from dataframe

I will use a simple dataframe as an example:

data = {'A': ['公司\u3000', 'aaaa\uf505'], 'B': ['1', '2']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

       A   B
0  公司   1
1  aaaa   2

I want to remove unicode like '\u3000', '\uf505' from column A, however, there are more unicodes in it that I may not know. So it's not very ideal to use remove method for me. Some rows has Mandarin characters and I have to keep them.

It also did not work when I tried to split '\'


My expected result:

      A   B
0  公司  1
1  aaaa   2


  • Code

    df['A'] = df['A'].str.replace(r'[^\x00-\x7F\u4E00-\u9FFF]+', '', regex=True)


        A       B
    0   公司  1
    1   aaaa    2

    This code removes Unicode characters while preserving chinese characters(漢字).