Please someone help me. I have tried to convert and to Monodroid (C#) and have had no success. I have followed the instructions (as far as I can see) and I do not know how to preview the camera (I am not even on taking a PICTURE yet).
Here is my current code - it fails on the Android.Hardware.Camera.Open() method with a Java.Lang.RuntimeException (Stacktrace says "at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod (IntPtr jclass, IntPtr jmethod) [0x00000] in :0 at Android.Hardware.Camera.Open()...")
I have added the camera permission in the manifest.
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
_surfaceView = FindViewById<SurfaceView>(Resource.Id.imgCapture);
_debug = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.lblCameraDebug);
_camera = Android.Hardware.Camera.Open();
//Android.Hardware.Camera.Parameters camparam = _camera.GetParameters();
//camparam.SetPreviewSize(_surfaceView.Width, _surfaceView.Height);
catch(Exception ex)
_debug.Text = string.Format("Error: {0} - StackTrace: {1}", ex.Message,ex.StackTrace);
This clears most of it up. It's a starting point, not a solution.
It does NOT solve: 1. Rotation / Orientation (but that should be in the parameters) 2. Getting it onto a form element using axml (not as an entire page) 3. Taking a picture.